Butterfly Conservation
saving butterflies, moths and our environment
Butterfly Conservation - saving butterflies, moths and our environment

We need your help

If you would like to volunteer or have a skill which you think might be usefull to Butterfly Conservation Sussex branch please contact volunteer@sussex-butterflies.org.uk


The Sussex branch of Butterfly Conservation is run entirely by volunteers - people like you.

Conservation volunteer on Graffham Down

Laughton CP School visit to Park Heath Corner with Neil Hulme

Colin Knight gives a talk to the Friends of Mewsbrook Park

Jamie Burston sets up the Butterfly Conservation stall�

Searching for Barred Tooth-striped Larva, Mill Hill

Conservation work parties

Conservation work parties are a great way to get involved in conservation work. Many of the habitats of some of our rarest butterflies were created by farming practices which have long since vanished.

These habitats are now managed by a small army of volunteers who care deeply about their environment. Without their tireless activity the Sussex countryside would be greatly impoverished.

You too can join in, make a difference and meet like-minded people with a passion for nature. Most of the work involves cutting and clearing scrub and making bonfires. We only use hand tools, which are provided. You can come for as long or as short a time as you like on any conservation day. These normally take place during the winter months, and dates will be published on the Conservation work parties page.

Reserve management

Volunteers from the Sussex branch of butterfly conservation actively manage the reserve at Park Heath Corner, which is an SSSI, and the neighbouring Rowland Wood.

Guided walks and field trips

The Sussex Branch puts on a series of guided walks throughout the spring and summer. Our events are a great way to see butterflies, learn about them, visit some wonderful places and see many different habitats across Sussex.

Events range from highly specialist habitat maintenance to guided butterfly walks for beginners. We are always looking for leaders to run these events. The most important quality we look for in a walk leader is local knowledge, so if you have a patch you know intimately and would like to introduce it to others, why not lead an event?

Recording and transect walking

A transect is a fixed-route weekly walk, typically 1-3km. Volunteers record butterflies in along the transect in suitable weather in the 26 weeks from April to September.

Transects are often local and can be shared. Butterfly transects are a way of measuring changes in the abundance and variety of butterflies present at a site from year to year. The data is vital to our conservation work and is one.

We are always looking for people to record transect data and provide training.

Public information

Butterfly Conservation Sussex is often asked by local organisation and societies and to give talks about Butterflies in Sussex and the conservation work done by the branch. We are always looking for volunteers to give these talks. The talks are to a generalist audience and so enthusiasm is probably more important than expertise. We can provide training, support and course materials.

Stands and events

Butterfly Conservation Sussex is looking for people to man stands at shows and events throughout the county. This is an opportunity to spread the message to potential new members about the work that we do. Once again enthusiasm is the most important quality we are looking for.

Branch Committee

The committee is the governing body of the branch. There are a maximum of 15 committee members who meet four times a year to discuss policy, finance and butterflies. If you would like to become involved in any part of this, please contact any member of the committee.

Copyright Butterfly Conservation © 2024 Sussex Branch
Privacy and Copyright Statement

Butterfly Conservation Company limited by guarantee, registered in England (2206468) Registered Office: Manor Yard, East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5QP

Charity registered in England & Wales (254937) and in Scotland (SCO39268)